About me

Just KISS (Keep it Short and Simple):
I am a Lady of Leisure and I like to share!

I am Anja, a long time freelancer at heart. In a nutshell: I teach, I listen and I empathise. For over a century I have been working as a educational trainer, teacher and applied university lecturer.

Besides being a nerdish book worm – I am also a ‚lady of leisure‘! I just love beautiful things! I love color and transformation of being. I’ve created a home to escape to and I enjoy being kissed by the muse.

Colours enhance lifestyles

Love Colour: Choosing colours to live with

Malta – Colours

For many years I lived on the island of Malta and enjoyed natural colours. Blue shades and beige variations – colours of the Mediterranean sea. This colour scheme is very much present in my style. 

I love mediterranean designs!